Kao Corporation, a renowned Japanese chemical and cosmetics company, reportedly announced that it has been selected to be inducted into the A List created by renowned UK based NPO, CDP, for climate change and water. The A List contains the names of a certain number of companies that receive the highest evaluation for their proactive efforts and measures that address environmental concerns.
These companies receive this evaluation on the basis of an international survey of business enterprises’ response towards the issue of climate change as well as their activities in regard to water security. The number of respondent firms in this global survey was 2,435 for water security and 8,361 for climate change.
This is the first time Kao Corporation has appeared in this list of companies for climate change. However, this is the third time for the company to have its name in the A List for water security , following on from 2016 and 2019.
Executive Officer in charge of ESG, Kao Corporation, Dave Muenz stated that the company is thrilled to gain a place in the A List for both water security and climate change. This recognition demonstrates the company’s commitment to drive innovations from an Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) perspective to help the world lead more sustainable, Kirei Lifestyles; an overall beautiful life.
Understanding its responsibility as a company that supplies products that customers use in their day-to-day routine, the Kao Group takes new and active steps to address the environmental impact of its products across the entirely of the lifecycle of these products.
The company also unveiled the Kirei Lifestyle Plan in April 2019. The Kirei lifestyle is Kao’s ESG strategy, which incorporates 19 major leadership actions. By combining ESG with the core of its management, the company would drive business development and further better serve customers and society using its improved services and products.
Kao has 33,000 employees globally and the company boasts of a 130 year history in innovation.
Source credit: https://apnews.com/Business%20Wire/aa3e19e9440f47649efd7993c2f4e1de
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