Greenko, a leading cleantech and energy storage player in India, has reportedly inked an agreement with IIT-Hyderabad (IIT-H) to launch the first-ever school in the country for sustainable science and technology.
The GSSST (Greenko School of Sustainable Science and Technology) will be helping in bridging the gaps in education, research, and skills in the sustainable development ecosystem.
The school is expected to promote studies in space technology and artificial intelligence, climate change mitigation; circular and regenerative economy; energy transition and industrial transformation; and industrial ecology and net-zero clusters.
Anil Chalamalasetty, Founder, Chief Executive Officer, and Managing Director of Greenko Group said the GSSST is expected to be open by the end of the year, and by June 2023, it will be admitting students for Ph.D. programs and MTech in sustainable science and technology.
The experience that the students will be getting at GSSST will be replicated at other engineering colleges, IITs, and later at schools and polytechnics, he said in a statement recently.
This collaborative initiative shows the national educational establishment’s endorsement of Greenko’s revolutionary initiative for fast-tracking R&D and contextualizing skills and education for sustainable development.
Furthermore, credible sources cite that Greenko will be collaborating with AICTE, the Ministry of Education, NCERT, and NCVET to ensure that GSSST innovates learning in sustainable science and technology.
Dharmendra Pradhan, Union Minister of Education, Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, while commenting on the proposal for setting up the niche school, said that India should not just be a consuming nation. The country should build and establish its own models to attain self-sufficiency and foster global welfare.
Greenko has already deployed a renewable energy capacity of around 7.5 GW across the wind, solar and hydro capabilities and around 10 GW of projects under development.
The company has invested over $7.5 billion and equity of $2.5 billion. It also secured global green bonds accumulating $5 billion over the last 10 years.
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