The Airports Authority of India (AAI), recently entered into an MoU with NTPC Vidyut Vyapar Nigam (NVVN), owned exclusively by National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC), to install solar plants at airports and subsequently adopt electric vehicles in the process.
As per the MoU that was signed in the presence of senior officials from the organizations, NVVN will have access to ample rooftop and land area completely free of charge for deploying solar power plants at AAI airports.
The AAI currently owns and administers over 100 airports throughout the nation expect for the ones in Delhi, Bengaluru, Mumbai, Mangaluru, Hyderabad, and Lucknow which are run by privately-held companies, cite credible sources.
According to the press statement released by AAI, the initial phase of the project will begin at airports in Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu with a proposed solar capacity requirement of 8MW and 55MW respectively to truly become solar-powered airports.
For the record, solar power plants at AAI airports in Tamil Nadu have 3.5 MWp capacity, and 12MW solar power additions are in the process of being purchased via open access for the Chennai airport.
Furthermore, AAI and NVVN will put collaborative efforts towards adoption of electric vehicles. An action plan will be drafted for use of EVs on the city side and airside at several airports as well as for the provision of charging stations, cites the press release.
Previously, on May 21, 2020, in Delhi, Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC) and NTPC signed an MoU to formalize the agreement of a joint-venture company for the renewable energy business, enabling both companies to achieve their energy targets.
In line with the agreement, NTPC and ONGC will cover renewable energy assets including offshore wind, on both home grounds and overseas, and discover opportunities in storage, sustainability, e-mobility, and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) compliant projects.
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