WhatsApp, the instant messaging platform is reportedly rolling our companion mode for those smartphones, which run on Android. As per reports, the companion mode allows customers to link their accounts to other devices, just like a tablet.
According to credible sources, the option to link devices appears within the registration screen. A single user can link up to four devices, enabling one to link more than two mobile devices on her/his WhatsApp account.
A report claims that once the linking process is complete, the primary device’s chat history will be synced across other devices that are linked with it. Additionally, both calls and personal messages will be end-to-end encrypted, even if a user uses a linked smartphone to use WhatsApp.
But this is a beta version, and the users may not be able to enjoy all the features provided by the popular app. To cite a few instances, the ability to manage stickers and broadcast lists, and to view live locations might not be available for users.
It should also be mentioned here that currently, this companion mode between mobile phones has just been made available for some beta testers, who are running the WhatsApp beta for the update on Android. In the upcoming weeks, it is expected that the feature will be available to more users.
As per a report, if you want to join the Android beta program, you need to click the ‘Become a beta tester’ option on the official website of WhatsApp and join the program.
Meanwhile, WhatsApp is also testing a beta version, which will reduce the number of notifications for users. It will mute the group notification alerts automatically when it exceeds a certain number of users, and categorically, this can be a large group.
In a similar stance, the popular instant messaging app had recently increased the number of participants in its group. It went up to 1,024 members from 256 members with the aim of popularizing the platform for official works and bringing more business.
Source Credit: https://www.livemint.com/technology/apps/whatsapp-companion-mode-comes-to-these-android-users-details-11668322555468.html
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