WhatsApp, the meta-owned messaging and video calling app, is reportedly working on a feature that will offer iOS users the ability to hide their online status from everyone. As per credible source, the feature is expected to come in its update as it is still under development and hence can also not be released to the beta testers.
In 2021, WhatsApp automatically started hiding the last seen to contacts with whom the users have not chatted. This feature helps to prevent third-party apps from examining the last seen and online status.
Although the people with whom the users have chatted earlier could still see when being online, due to the new privacy setting, who can see when a user is online is not possible anymore, said the report.
But as the app offers, users can now select to display the last seen information to some people, contacts or no one.
In the coming future, the app will allow users to follow the same approach to the online toggle, according to reports.
This new feature is being developed simultaneously when WhatsApp is developing another crucial feature of editing a message.
It has been a long time since the app allowed users to delete a message; however, it never offered a feature to edit them, which is expected to be changed in the upcoming update.
The ability to delete and edit a message is also added as a feature to another messaging app, iMessage, with iOS 16.
Being able to edit, resend and delete a message is very helpful when a word is misspelled, or wrong information has been sent by mistake in chat.
Moreover, as per reports, WhatsApp is also working on a feature that will empower users to make an appeal in case the account has been blocked or deleted for any reason.
Source Credit - https://www.latestly.com/technology/whatsapp-to-soon-let-users-hide-their-online-status-from-everyone-report-3905015.html
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